BitTorrent Lawyers For Strike 3 Holdings LLC Lawsuit
At Antonelli, we can help you figure out the best course of action for your specific case. We will work to help you resolve these issues as quickly and as discreetly as possible.
Why Is Strike 3 Holdings Suing Me?
You may feel that the aim of the company is to shock or embarrass you into paying a substantial settlement on their terms. Strike 3 Holdings has filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against you. This is because they are accusing you of allegedly downloading their adult films that were produced by their subscription sites known as Blacked, Tushy, and Vixen.
Did you receive a notice in your mail from your Internet Service Provider, such as AT&T, Verizon, etc., with a copy of a subpoena from Strike 3 Holdings LLC? If so, it is likely you have been served and are about to be sued. The company is accusing you or someone in your home/office of illegally downloading their films, likely through a BitTorrent sharing software. In sum, this is a lawsuit accusing you of copyright infringement.
Who Is Strike 3 Holdings LLC?
As mentioned above, Strike 3 Holdings is a company that produces pornographic films. Their adult films are published under the various subscription sites; they are alleging that you have downloaded some of their content without paying the proper licensing fees.
Essentially, Strike 3 Holdings is accusing you of copyright infringement, which may be more embarrassing to some due to the adult nature of the films.
The company is currently filing these federal lawsuits, as well as lawsuits in the Florida State Court.
The initial notice is to inform you that the company is seeking your personal information such as your address and full name, as the Strike 3 Holdings LLC company does not yet know who you are. This is so the company can sue you. If you just received your notice, you will have several options still available and are likely still known as “John Doe”. However the longer you wait, the fewer options that may be available and you may lose some of your negotiating power.
3 Options For Strike 3 Holdings LLC Lawsuit
Whether or not you downloaded content, you will still be sued. At this point, the company thinks you have downloaded content and the court also believes they have enough evidence for the case to continue.
You now have 3 options available to you:
- Settle your specific case out of court
- File a Motion To Quash for your case
- Fight back in court for your case
Should you choose to settle, having an experienced attorney in these specific types of cases may help you negotiate a lower STrike 3 Holdings settlement amount. We will work greatly to negotiate settlement amounts for our clients and will continue to fight for our clients until their specific case is resolved in its entirety.
What Happens If I Ignore My Strike 3 Holdings LLC Subpoena?
It is important to understand that this subpoena is real and not a scam. You are currently being sued for copyright infringement in federal court if you have received this notice. As noted, you are likely still known to the court only as John Doe defendant. If you ignore the subpoena, your internet service provider will likely release your name to Strik 3 Holdings LLC’s lawyers.
Once the company has your full name and address, in almost all cases they will amend the complaint name in the public court documents to your real full name. You will then be served with a court summons. Under no circumstance should you ever ignore a court summons.
Many clients do not mind losing their anonymity, but the downside to ignoring this subpoena from Strike 3 Holdings is that some of your options moving forward are limited and you may lose some of your negotiating power.
Is Being Sued By Strike 3 Holdings LLC Different In Florida?
Strike 3 Holdings has been filing federal copyright infringement cases for years, but they have recently focused their efforts on the Florida State Court. The filings in Florida have been widely criticized as a violation of the state’s “pure bill of discovery”. In the United States, copyright infringement cases are a federal matter that should be handled in a federal court. You are still being accused of the illegal downloading of adult content produced by the LLC.
The reason cases may seem different is that with the cases filed in Flordia State Court, if the ISP Subscriber does not act proactively once they receive the ISP notice by settling the case out of court or by filing a motion to quash, Strike 3’s attorneys are sending out letters informing the ISP Subscriber of their intent to sue the ISP Subscriber in federal court.
With all this being said, Antonelli Law has been involved in various Florida State Court Cases and has had lawsuits that have been dismissed due to successful motions to quash.
However, while a motion to quash works for some of these cases, there are certain drawbacks that you’ll want to discuss with your specific attorney. Antonelli Law has seen cases where defendants have filed a motion to quash and won their case, only to be sued again in federal court. It is vital you discuss all of the possible outcomes before you move forward and make decisions.
It’s also important to note that our firm can help individuals anonymously settle their cases with Strike 3 Holdings LLC. We will fight to protect your anonymity and will aggressively negotiate your settlement amount.
These cases are time-sensitive and whether your case was filed federally or in state court, we can help.
We’ll discuss if settling anonymously, filing a motion to quash, or fighting in court is the best option for you in our free consultation, and we will work to get your case resolved as quickly as possible.
Scheduling Strike 3 Holdings LLC Lawsuit Consultation With Antonelli Law Firm
If you are unsure of what to do in regards to your Strike 3 Holdings LLC lawsuit, Antonelli Law Firm offers free confidential consultations. Our firm has been working to defend individuals that have been targeted by this type of lawsuit by Strike 3 Holdings LLC, for years. Most local attorneys have no background in dealing with this kind of federal lawsuit: we are extremely experienced in getting cases just like yours resolved quickly and cost-effectively.
Our local counsel from the west coast to the east coast helps us efficiently and effectively settle and fight lawsuits in your state.