I ignored my Strike 3 Holdings subpoena and got served with a summons. What do I do now?
If you decided to ignore your subpoena and have received a summons, now is definitely the time to set up a consultation with us.
You should never ignore a summons, which could lead to a default judgment against you.
While your options are more limited, we still have time to figure out the most advantageous way for you to move forward.
A few things to note:
- Strike 3 Holdings now has your name, but it’s possible that you are still anonymous to the court (and, therefore, the public)
- You now have a much more limited timeframe to act
- We do not recommend that you sign anything from Strike 3 Holdings without having your own legal representation review it first
Founded in 2007, Antonelli Law began representing clients accused of online BitTorrent copyright infringement around 2011 near the inception of these types of lawsuits. Since then, we have helped over 5,000 clients nationwide effectively deal with over 50 movie companies and many different litigation techniques, including over 2,000 Strike 3 Holdings clients across the country. Our experience can help you through this quickly and cost-effectively.
We recommend you reach out as soon as possible for your consultation so that we can act on your behalf and work to get the best deal for you moving forward.